Choose the 6 Best Photos for Your Online Dating Profile with the Help of a Dating Coach

After a year that left people craving intimacy more than ever, I think it’s safe to say single people want to find love (or sex for that matter) more than ever. On episode 06 of the podcast. Dating Coach, Renee Slansky taught us how to do that on dating apps. It starts with picking the Best Photos for Your Online Dating Profile.
We learned that the brain can only handle 9 choices at once and gave us advice on the 6 Best Photos to choose to get you swiped.
1. Best Assets
Your main profile photo should be friendly, casual and warm. Make sure to show off your smile. This pic should be from the chest up with a clear background. Highlight your best asset – whatever that means to you!
2. Get Active
Guys like to see that you have a sense of adventure. What does that word mean to you? Find an action shot of you doing something fun. Think hiking or traveling. Tap into his visual instincts so he can picture you two together.
3. Friends Forever
While you don’t want every photo to be with friends, you do want him to know that you have some and that you have a life of your own. Find a social pic that you stand out in so he doesn’t have to go searching.
4. Glammed Up
Instead of going for a bikini shot. Renee says that’s a definite no-no. Use a pic from a wedding or event where you are all glammed up with makeup on. You don’t look like this every day so he knows that this is what to expect when you bring your A-Game.
5. Keep it Casual
A jeans and a tee moment is hands down one of the best photos for your online dating profile. What do you look like on the weekend when you go to the farmer’s market? Give him a peek at the real you. Keep it natural. You aren’t ALWAYS going to have makeup on.
6. Wild Card
If you have one that you love and it gets responses already, add it here. Maybe it’s another action shot. For me, it’s a pic of me eating pasta. I am a huge foodie and make reference to that in my profile.
Recovering fashion blogger and Founder of NYC-based creative consultancy, Hashtag Lifestyle.