I Love You Mary Jane: The Luxury Weed Brands That Chill Us the F*ck Out

Happy 4/20 to those who celebrate! It’s still hard to believe that Mary Jane is legal in 18 states. Getting high used to be for “burnouts” and now celebs like Snoop Dogg have their own luxury weed brands. If you didn’t know, there are also people still in jail for slinging dime bags. It’s a strange time to be alive.
From a wellness standpoint, pot, weed or whatever you call it these days is a form of medicine – even if not “prescribed” – for many people. Cannabinoids, the active chemicals in marijuana, are similar to chemicals the body makes which might (not FDA approved) help reduce stress, inflammation, and pain.
Note: activate paranoia isn’t on that list.
The weed brownies from high school year’s past are RIP. There are now so many strains, dosages, and forms of luxury weed brands. That includes liquids, my personal fave, and a good one for those looking to phase out alcohol (ie hangovers, extra calories, etc).
All in all, if your state is legal, there’s no better time to dabble in cannabis.
7 Reasons to Consider Heading to Your Local Dispensary on 4/20 – or Any Day Really
- Treats depression and anxiety
- Acts as an aphrodisiac
- Get better sleep
- Stay calm and collected
- Food tastes so much better high (…and Taco Bell just announced the Mexican Pizza is coming back)
- Channel your creativity
- Increase productivity and balance ADHD symptoms
The Luxury Weed Brands We Love
Recovering fashion blogger and Founder of NYC-based creative consultancy, Hashtag Lifestyle.