Talking Honestly with Dalya Green, EFT Tapping Practitioner

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, commonly referred to as ‘tapping’.
If you are scratching your head wondering what the hell this is, then here’s a breakdown of what this quick and transformative self healing tool can do.
EFT tapping works by combining Cognitive Therapy and Exposure Therapy with acupressure in the form of fingertip tapping on the meridian points, on the upper part of the body. Negative emotions and memories get trapped within our energetic system when we go through trauma i.e. childhood issues, bullying, divorce, death, work place discrimination, even just a casual disagreement can irritate you years after the event has taken place, resulting in stagnant energy and preventing you from moving forward with your life. EFT also works well for injuries, helping the body and mind to work together and ease the discomfort of the pain, finding new ways to cope by working with the causal factor rather than the symptom. Once you treat the root cause including the limiting beliefs, the symptom will often disappear.
Dalya Green began as a holistic health coach. I felt that my clients needed to remove blockages that stopped them from achieving their health and wellness goals. The blocks had been encoded in their brain since birth to this very second. Tapping is the fastest and most gentle technique used to release them. Fortunately, I married someone with the last name ‘Green’ and people associate green with health. It’s funny how you become your name. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
Where do you live? Miami Florida. It’s pretty amazing over here, I feel like I live on vacation. After moving from NYC and before that England, there is nothing more uplifting than the outdoor lifestyle.
What’s your sign? Good question. If you go by the calendar I’m Aries but I don’t fall into the quality traits of one (fiery and bold). I visited the Kabbalah center in Israel (the first one in the world) and based on my birthdate, I am a Pisces (compassionate and shy).
What do you do? I am and EFT Practitioner also known as Tapping Practitioner. EFT stands for emotional freedom technique and it is a mix of ancient and modern methods to release negative thoughts, emotions and feelings in the body. It’s a bio hack to turn off your stress centers and heal from your subconscious.
First Job? I went to school to become a TV/Film Producer. It was an incredible experience. THEN, I graduated and realized I had to work for free for a few years. Suffice to say, that dream died when I moved to London. Just breathing there cost $$$$
Do you have a mentor: I have many mentors. I don’t think that one person can teach you everything. I believe in having a circle or team around you. Mine includes, support from friends and family, my EFT/Tapping teacher, Rabbis, Personal Trainer and my children; I learn more from them than I teach.
What is your morning routine: I don’t set an alarm because I have kids!!! I want to say that I do lots of journaling and grounding etc. Did I mention I have kids? After school drop-off I take care of myself. I have to workout everyday (tennis, training, walking, Pilates or Barry’s bootcamp) and I have to get a tapping session in before I see clients. It really grounds me and helps me tune into their energy.
Favorite self-care tool: The Nurse Jamie UpLift Massaging Beauty Roller. It’s dreamy! It instantly lifts and sculpts your face.
Favorite Beauty Product: Dr. Dennis Gross Sun Defense Sunscreen.This is a new product to me but I can’t see myself never using it. I’m outside so much and got to keep those dark spot at bay.
Favorite Travel Destination: Israel. It is my spiritual home. It has everything in one small country. Innovations, family and friends, insanely fresh food, cities on beaches and the 4 seasons. Uff, I can’t wait until it opens back up.
Travel Tip: Always ask the locals where they eat. You can find some real hidden gems and you get to taste their authentic food and meet really cool people not just other tourists.
Wine – white or red? Can I just pick gin?
A mantra to live by: “You are exactly where you are meant to be.” Why do we get so attached to timelines?
F*ck, Marry, Kill – The Ryans. F*ck Gosling, Marry Reynolds, Kill Seacrest (give me a hard one).
Find Dalya (@dalyagreen) on Instagram and book a time with her on her website at
Recovering fashion blogger and Founder of NYC-based creative consultancy, Hashtag Lifestyle.