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Elevate Your Sweatsuit Game

Elevate Your Sweatsuit Game

Elevate Your Sweatsuit

According to Seinfeld (and society), if you were caught wearing sweatpants outside the house before 2020 the vibe you’re putting out is “I give up.” After a full year of getting used to how comfortable sweatsuits are (George Costanza was not wrong), loungewear has made itself way more comfortable in everyone’s wardrobe these days – ours included. With no intention of giving them up, we are showing you how to elevate your sweatsuit game one chic accessory at a time.

Just how do you style a sweatsuit?

It’s pretty easy. Go from lazy to on-trend in 30 seconds with a few simple accessories that will elevate your sweatsuit game. I’m talking “throw on a cool jacket and sneakers”-easy.

So slip into your sweats and let’s get comfortable, shall we?

Oversized Blazer

When scrolling through online stores for a new blazer, keep an eye out for gingham and checkered patterns, skin-toned colors, and a comfortable fit to throw over a hoodie or a sweater. Don’t shy away from excessive length.

Trendy Sunglasses

Trendy Black Sunglasses Elevate Your Sweatsuit

Step outside, stare into the sun, and think, damn, I shine brighter than the stars. Sunglasses come in all shapes and sizes, whether thin and long, circular or rectangular. Each is unique to your face. Oval faces look best in round glasses while round faces should aim for a rectangular shape.

Chunky Sneakers

chunky white sneakers elevate your sweatsuit

Sneakers aren’t just for running. These days, a nice pair of sneakers can fit right into the Met Gala. White sneakers are particularly popular; as usual, simplicity is the culprit of style.

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